Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rolling Over

Kaylynn is changing right before my eyes.  Sometimes when I get her up in the morning I think she grew overnight.  She just rolled over for the first time on Sunday.  First she went from her tummy to her back and then later in the day she flipped from her back to her tummy.  And I missed it both times!  At least Davin got to see the first one.

Today when she was fussing in her crib I heard Desmond go in (I was listening on the monitor) and he said in a sweet voice, “It’s okay, Kaylynn.  Don’t cry.  I’m here.”  And she did stop crying -for a moment anyway.  Melts my heart!  I love watching him love her.


Friday, August 19, 2011

Davin’s Birthday

We had my family over on Sunday to celebrate Davin turning 34.  Several of us pitched in and upgraded Davin’s dinosaur of a monitor to something a little newer… as in seventeen years newer!  He kept hoping the old monitor would break so we would have to buy another one, but I think it’s going to last forever.  Davin’s also thought about slipping someone $10 to drop it during one of our moves.  No such luck.  Anyway, I thought it was time to retire the embarrassing beast and get the web developer a decent monitor.  Now Davin is enjoying some new games on his 23” flat screen when he gets a free minute or two.  So long CRT! 

Kaylynn wore her first tutu to the party.  I love dressing her in all her cute new clothes!  She’s starting to wear some of her six month stuff already.  At her check up on Friday she measured in the 95th percentile for height and about 75th for weight.  She’s 13 pounds 10 ounces.  We’re loving her smiles and millions of facial expressions.  She’s working on using her hands better and getting closer to sitting up and rolling over though she hasn’t done those yet.  We’ve started swaddling her again and she’s slept through the night the past two nights.  Hurray!  On Davin’s birthday she slept her first nine hour stretch, and Davin appreciated that present a lot.

Starred Photos

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Summer Days

Time has slipped away and I find a whole month has gone by with no blogging.  Most days I just try to keep up with the necessities and everything else just falls away.  I’m still having difficulty giving up the unnecessary things: a clean house, time to work on a personal project, browsing a store.  My days are filled with feeding, napping, and changing diapers for the kids.  I’m challenged to remember that these early years will fly by like the wind, and one day I’ll look back on them and wish they could return even with all the sleep deprived nights.

Some highlights from the last month include celebrating our seven year anniversary at the Portland City Grill, Desmond’s third birthday, a visit with Grandma Bettie, and Kaylynn reaching the three month mark.


I find it easier to stay home when I can.  There’s always someone who needs to eat or sleep - often it’s me!  We’ve also been enjoying some of the warm weather lately.  The kiddie pool never warmed up enough for Kaylynn but she looks cute in her swimsuit anyway.collage1

Twins: Just Three Years Apart

When I look at Kaylynn I see so much of Desmond in her. Other people even notice that she looks a lot like him. They each have their own variations, but they are so similar at this age. I just had to go back and find some pictures of Kaylynn that match up with pictures of Desmond three years ago. Enjoy!









