This was quite something to watch over the last 3 days. Every errand I had to run included stopping by to see the progress of the White Hall demolition. Let's just say, students will be surprised when they return in a few weeks since this was a very quick progression of events.

Many students have called White Hall home during their years at Multnomah. Davin lived here Freshman year (his old room on the bottom left by the stairs was one of the last to go) and Melissa lived here Senior year as an RA. In Davin's opinion, this was the best dorm by far - with the tall, skinny rooms before the remodel. He bets the burrito was still stapled in the upstairs closet. Many fond memories... and there's the massive beast that tore it down this week like it was nothing.

Before and after shots. Originally a blind school, I heard that White Hall was built in the 1930s, and this week it is no more. It does not pass earthquake safety standards and it costs way to much to retrofit it, so today all the memories are nothing more than a pile of rubble. A sad day.