Saturday, October 13th was all about California Adventure! We hit most of the big sites that day. The biggest surprise for Mom and Dad was the Tower of Terror. On that ride they try to mess with your mind a bit, so it makes it even scarier. We got front row seats and Mom, Dad and Jeremy were in the middle of the row for a perfect view. Mom let out one scream and then was silent the rest of the ride. Uh, oh. That's when you know it's too much, and she's not having fun. Still, now they can say they've done the Tower of Terror even if they never do it again.

After that we calmed down by taking in the fabulous Aladdin musical. What a good show! I also enjoyed stopping in the Beauty and the Beast room. I love watching it magically transform. We really had a fun day. Oh, and the watermelon picture is the only group picture we got with everyone, so there you go. We closed the day back in Disneyland and got to watch
Fantasmic which Dad thought was the best music, light, and performer show he's ever seen.
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