I’m turning 30 next week! I’ve always viewed age as just another number, but 30 does sound different to me now that I’m here. I’m officially grown up, I guess. I’ve been thinking about updating my look to go with my new decade of life. Since becoming a mommy of a toddler, I find that I always have my hair pulled back in a pony tail or else wish it was. Plus my thick hair takes an impractical amount of time to dry and style. So I cut off about a foot and donated it to Locks of Love. I’ve never had hair above my shoulders except when I was a baby. I’m having fun playing with it and surprising people. My own family didn’t recognize me when we arrived at the party.
Sunday, we went down to Albany to celebrate the Boydston March birthdays: Dad, Grandpa, my brother Daniel, and me. Nathan, Daniel, and Aurora were all there. They’ve come to a couple family birthdays in the past two years, but it’s still a new thing. We even sang an a cappella, four-part harmony song together for the first time in eight years. I couldn’t help but get emotional. There’s a very long road to healing the hurts, but it felt good to be together.