Saturday, September 11, 2010

Desmond’s Cute Ways


The other day Desmond pulled out his Cars pajamas from the folded laundry pile and asked to put them on.  Nana made these for his birthday and they’re his favorite.  Then he added striped socks to his hands, and this is how he looked when we went to go pick up Davin from work.

Another favorite is his new-found “robot helmet.”  He loves to put it on and become a robot.  Thanks to GrandmaIMG_2207 Linda for the perfect box.  (He loves the bath blocks, too.)

On the way to the beach we were snacking on trail mix and Desmond was just eating out all the M&M’s and then asking for more.  I told him he could have more after he ate the nuts and raisins too.  About a minute later he asked for more and handed me his empty bowl.  I praised him for finishing it all, but as I handed him more he says, “I spilled it out!”  I looked and sure enough, there were the nuts and raisins I had asked him to eat dumped in the car seat next to his leg and partially up his shorts.  We had a good laugh.  He’s getting sneaky except for the fact that he still tells on himself. 

On the way home from a friends house late last night we pulled out onto the main road and passed a strip club with lots of flashing lights.  “Oh, look!  Pretty lights!” Desmond points and exclaims excitedly.  “Yes, those are pretty lights,” I reply as Davin and I again have a good laugh.