It was great that Davin didn’t have to work on Monday! We decided to get in our annual beach trip before summer was completely over. Of course Desmond didn’t remember last year so it was like a whole new experience for him.
Before we even got there Desmond was saying he didn’t like the beach. We got down to the sand and he refused to walk in it. Finally he discovered how fun it could be when Davin wiggled his toes into the sand. He enjoyed digging with his shovel and watching the kites. The first time we went down to the water and it touched Desmond’s feet, he ran away saying, “No! No! No!” But by the end he was throwing rocks in the water and wanted to go all the way in. He cried loudly for the water when it was time to leave. It was fun to see the progression from wanting nothing to do with the beach to discovering how fun it really was. It takes him a little bit to get used to the idea of new things.
We finished the day with a late lunch at Mo’s, and Desmond was asleep in 8 minutes after we got back on the road. What a full, fun family weekend!