Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

We had fun getting ready to host Thanksgiving for our family.  Sadly, Davin’s parents were snowed in up in Spokane so they couldn’t make the drive down.  We missed them, but did video chat before Desmond went to bed. 

Our turkey was a 24-pounder and I had to buy a new roasting pan to hold it.  We enjoyed tons of delicious food, and filled in our Thanksgiving tree with God’s blessings to our family. 

It was fun to watch Desmond playing with everyone, and I enjoyed the respite from being his main entertainment.  As soon as Aunt Marcia came in he wanted to do puzzles with her.  He called Uncle Daniel away from the table to go play, and he had everyone take turns lifting him up for his Buzz Lightyear game.

We are thankful for God’s work in our family, for Davin’s new job, our new home, our new baby, our health, and carrots.




Wednesday, November 24, 2010

First Snow of the Season

altOn Sunday it snowed during Desmond’s nap and when he woke up there was enough to go play.  Desmond loved running around it in and his first comment was, “There’s too much rain!”  I made him snowballs out of the slushy snow and he’d throw them on the driveway and watch them break apart.  Hopefully it will snow more later so we can play longer.  I just need to find him better gloves.



Monday, November 01, 2010

The Loved Bay-deht


Before Desmond was born I made him a blanket with lots of different textures because I thought he’d like the feel.  In this picture he is ten days old on his blanket.  He grew to love it and always sleeps with it.  I have to sneak it into the wash now and then but it’s showing wear.  Desmond likes to feel the corners and they’re getting holes.  I’ve been meaning to fix it, but now he falls asleep by finding two corner holes and putting his index fingers inside.  Once he was trying to get his finger into one of the corners that didn’t have a big enough hole yet and he said, “It’s not working.  Fix it?” so I helped him find a new corner with a bigger hole.  Now I’m not sure I should fix the holes because if I did then his blanket wouldn’t work right. 

Last October Weekend


Davin took Friday off work– a small but welcomed compensation for all his extra work lately– and we drove to Spokane to visit the grandparents.  Desmond enjoyed seeing them, their two dogs and playing with Davin’s old Lincoln Logs.  We even got to eat breakfast in a train which Desmond loved.

On the way home we brought back a pick up truck that Davin’s dad generously gave us.  It’s an ‘83 but it still looks and runs great.  It has less than half of the mileage of our well-driven Honda so that’s a plus.  After five hours in the car alone with Desmond our entertainment had degraded to who could do the funniest fake yelling.  I needed a break so we switched and I drove the truck the final hour into town.  That was an experience!  It’s a stick but feels totally different than the Honda, of course.  And it was getting dark and started to rain so lets just say I was a bit tense.



Before heading home we decided to stop in at Real Life, a friend’s church here in Vancouver that was doing a fun festival for the kiddos.  Desmond had a lot of fun in the bounce houses, riding the horse-drawn wagon, and going through the dark tunnel maze with a flashlight.  He got cars and some candy to take home so he was very happy.  Desmond was the cutest Buzz Lightyear.  In the car on the way home he kept saying, “I am the real Buzz!”  He fell asleep right away when we got home. Another full, fun weekend.