We had fun getting ready to host Thanksgiving for our family. Sadly, Davin’s parents were snowed in up in Spokane so they couldn’t make the drive down. We missed them, but did video chat before Desmond went to bed.
Our turkey was a 24-pounder and I had to buy a new roasting pan to hold it. We enjoyed tons of delicious food, and filled in our Thanksgiving tree with God’s blessings to our family.
It was fun to watch Desmond playing with everyone, and I enjoyed the respite from being his main entertainment. As soon as Aunt Marcia came in he wanted to do puzzles with her. He called Uncle Daniel away from the table to go play, and he had everyone take turns lifting him up for his Buzz Lightyear game.
We are thankful for God’s work in our family, for Davin’s new job, our new home, our new baby, our health, and carrots.