Recently I have been working with some report data that is stored statically in a database in CSV format. I had a need to have that CSV data displayed in a tabular format. I searched around and couldn't find anything written to do this in SQL, so I decided to write a stored procedure to do this very thing. It will take a CSV and parse it out into a SQL table. For instance if I have report data that looks like this...
"FirstName","LastName","DOB","Children" "John","Smith","1/5/1980","Bob,Sally,Joe,Chris" "Jane","Smith","2/25/1982","Bob,Sally,Joe,Chris" "Bruce","Wayne","5/13/1975","" "Peter","Parker","5/23/1970","" "","","",""
It would be transformed into this ...
FirstName | LastName | DOB | Children |
John | Smith | 1/5/1980 | Bob,Sally,Joe,Chris |
Jane | Smith | 2/25/1982 | Bob,Sally,Joe,Chris |
Bruce | Wayne | 5/13/1975 | |
Peter | Parker | 5/23/1970 | |
Note that in the last column the commas are preserved because they are within the quotation mark text qualifiers. Below is the stored procedure that does this. Feel free to use it, and leave a comment if you found it useful.
-- ========================================================================================== -- Author: Davin Studer -- Create date: 4/5/2011 -- Description: This will take a CSV input -- and transform it into a table -- -- Params: -- @string - The CSV string -- @textQualifier - Character that denotes a string within the CSV -- @columnDelimiter - Character that denotes different columns ... doesn't have to be a comma -- @rowOneIsHeader - Does the first row contain column names? -- ========================================================================================== create procedure [dbo].[CSVToTable] @string nvarchar(max) = '', @textQualifier varchar(1) = '', @columnDelimiter varchar(1) = ',', @rowOneIsHeader bit = 0 as begin -- set nocount on added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with select statements. set nocount on; -- We need and input string if isnull(@string, '') = '' begin raiserror ('Please supply an CSV string', 15, 1) return end -- We need and column delimiter if isnull(@columnDelimiter, '') = '' begin raiserror ('Please supply a column delimiter.', 15, 1) return end -- Make sue the user doesn't pass null as a value if isnull(@textQualifier, '') = '' begin set @textQualifier = '' end -- Make sue the user doesn't pass null as a value if isnull(@rowOneIsHeader, '') = '' begin set @rowOneIsHeader = 0 end declare @columns int = 1, @columnNames nvarchar(max) = '', @stop bit = 0, @position int = 0, @temp nvarchar(1) = '', @dataStart int = 0, @sql nvarchar(max) = '', @qualifierToggle bit = 0, @tempString nvarchar(max) = '', @delimiterReplacementUTFNumber int = 2603 -- Get rid of the ##tempCSVSplitToTable table if it exists if object_id('tempdb..##tempCSVSplitToTable') is not null begin drop table ##tempCSVSplitToTable end -- Get rid of white space set @string = rtrim(ltrim(@string)) -- Set the EOL to char(13) set @string = replace(@string, char(13) + char(10), char(13)) set @string = replace(@string, char(10), char(13)) -- Deal with the delimiter character within the text qualifier characters if @textQualifier <> '' begin while @position <> len(@string) begin set @temp = substring(@string, @position, 1) if @temp = @textQualifier begin if @qualifierToggle = 0 begin set @qualifierToggle = 1 end else begin set @qualifierToggle = 0 end end if @temp = @columnDelimiter and @qualifierToggle = 1 begin set @tempString = @tempString + nchar(@delimiterReplacementUTFNumber) -- replace with UTF delimiter replacement character end else begin set @tempString = @tempString + @temp end set @position = @position + 1 end set @string = @tempString end -- Get rid of text qualifier ... we don't need it now if @textQualifier <> '' begin set @string = replace(@string, @textQualifier, '') end -- Get column names set @position = 1 while @stop = 0 begin set @temp = substring(@string, @position, 1) if @temp = @columnDelimiter begin set @columns = @columns + 1 set @columnNames = @columnNames + ',' end else if @temp = char(13) begin set @stop = 1 end else begin set @columnNames = @columnNames + @temp end set @position = @position + 1 end set @dataStart = @position if @rowOneIsHeader = 0 begin set @dataStart = 1 set @position = 1 set @columnNames = '' while @position - 1 < @columns begin set @columnNames = @columnNames + ',Column' + cast(@position as varchar(1)) set @position = @position + 1 end set @columnNames = substring(@columnNames, 2, len(@columnNames)) end -- Build ##tempCSVSplitToTable table set @sql = @sql + 'create table ##tempCSVSplitToTable (' + char(13) + '[' set @stop = 0 set @position = 1 while @stop = 0 begin set @temp = substring(@columnNames, @position, 1) if @temp <> ',' begin set @sql = @sql + @temp end else begin set @sql = @sql + '] nvarchar(max),' + char(13) + '[' end set @position = @position + 1 if @position - 1 = len(@columnNames) begin set @sql = @sql + '] nvarchar(max)' set @stop = 1 end end set @sql = @sql + ')' + char(13) exec (@sql) -- insert values into ##tempCSVSplitToTable table set @position = @dataStart while @position - 1 < len(@string) begin set @stop = 0 set @sql = 'insert into ##tempCSVSplitToTable ([' + replace(@columnNames, ',', '],[') + ']) values (''' while @stop = 0 begin set @temp = substring(@string, @position, 1) -- end of column if @temp = @columnDelimiter begin set @sql = @sql + ''',''' end -- EOL else if @temp = char(13) or datalength(@temp) = 0 begin set @stop = 1 end -- deal with apostrophe in data else if @temp = '''' begin set @sql = @sql + '''''' end -- column data that isn't an apostrophe else begin set @sql = @sql + @temp end set @position = @position + 1 end set @sql = @sql + ''')' -- Get rid of any UTF delimiter replacements that were put in to take the place of the delimiter character within the text qualifier if @textQualifier <> '' begin set @sql = replace(@sql, nchar(@delimiterReplacementUTFNumber), @columnDelimiter) end exec(@sql) end select * from ##tempCSVSplitToTable -- destroy ##tempCSVSplitToTable table if object_id('tempdb..##tempCSVSplitToTable') is not null begin drop table ##tempCSVSplitToTable end end