Last Saturday we went to the Oregon State Fair. Davin had the idea to leave Kaylynn with my parents who were thrilled to watch her so it was a win-win. It was nice to spend some time just with Desmond. After having two, one feels so simple.
We enjoyed some kiddie rides though many of them were a bit too adventurous for Desmond even if I was with him. His favorite was the blue dump truck and his least favorite was the little roller coaster. I wish I had been quicker with the camera because his face was priceless! His arms thrown wide against the seat and sheer terror on his face for his one time around the track. “Danger” may be his middle name, but he wants to take things easy for now.
It was a perfect day except for the 90 degree heat. We went to the indoor displays to cool down and enjoyed some ice cream in the shade. A fun day for sure!