Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cloth Diapers: Day 1

Yesterday I went to Cotton Babies with Kaylynn’s Christmas money from her grandparents to buy a full set of cloth diapers.  I went with the Flip “hybrid” diaper system.  It’s a microfiber and suede insert inside an adjustable diaper cover that grows with DSC_0851your baby.  I even found some used Flip covers in excellent condition that saved me even more money.  (Every Tuesday Cotton Babies sells the gently used stuff they’ve bought back from people, so if you need an even better deal, check that out.)  I picked up some $0.75 prefolds (the kind of cloth diapers my mom used to put on me) that can be used in the Flip diaper covers as well.  I added two wet bags to my stash, one for the diaper bag and one for home. 

The flushable diaper liners sold Davin on the whole cloth diaper DSC_0895idea.  They’re $0.06 each and I think I might be able to get away with using half of one in each diaper so that would make them $0.03 each!  I even got to test it already since Kaylynn pooped in her first diaper.  It was super easy to pick up the liner and flush it.  No mess, no washing off the diaper!  So far so good.  The first diaper didn’t leak at all, and I’m so excited to save money. 

It’s hard spending all the money up front, but I picked up 7 covers, 13 stay-dry inserts, 9 prefolds, a snappi, flushable liners, and a large and small wet bag all for $177.03.  This includes a free diaper cover and insert because I spent over $150, and they had a special going.  Hurray!  This supply should last me until she is potty trained.  I spend this much money on disposable diapers for one kid in about four months.

We’re planning to potty train Desmond over the three-day new year’s weekend, so hopefully he’ll be down to just diapers at night soon.  It’s time.  Wish us luck on that one.  Here’s to saving money!