Saturday, March 03, 2007

Taking my turn intern

About a month ago I decided that I wanted to get involved in the youth group at Central Bible. It's been a couple of years since I've done youth ministry so I figured it was time to get back into it. So, I approached Shon, the youth paster at Central Bible, about helping out with the junior high. He said that he would like that and that he wanted to set up a lunch meeting with me. We went to Burgerville for lunch and while we were eating he asked me what I thought about being the new junior high youth intern. The current youth intern was getting married (today in fact) and was moving to take a job as a youth pastor at a church. So, the junior high intern position was open. I thought and prayed and talked about it with Melissa and decided that I wanted to give it a shot. Shon also felt like it was a good thing. So, I am now the new junior high intern. This is going to be a stretching experience but I am looking forward to it. I imagine that I will be blogging more about this in the future.

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