Saturday, October 06, 2007

Day 1,176

Melissa and I have a tradition. It started one night when we decided to go to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner. Sometimes, we really want to go out to eat, but we don't have a good reason, so we'll make up one ... like "We're celebrating Tuesday." Anyway, that particular night at Sweet Tomatoes we were trying to decide what we were celebrating. We decided that we were celebrating day 400 something of being married. Well, that started our tradition. Everytime we go to Sweet Tomatoes we have to figure out how many days we have been married. Fortunately, we haven't had to deal with leap year yet ... next year though. Ack!! Well, today is day 1,176, and each day has been worth it. Oh yeah, it was a good meal too!


Anonymous said...

What, you don't want me to have a birthday?

Anonymous said...

By the way, we're at 93 days of marriage...we're catching up to you. :)

Dave said...

What a cooky and fun tradition! Dave and I have reached 1906 days, assuming I did the math correctly. Congrats on 1176 days of marriage:)

Dave said...

Oops, I know it says that last comment was from Dave, but it was actually me, Beka!