Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Studer Baker

We were waiting to tell family first and that happened on Thanksgiving, so now we can publish my new blog and announce to everyone that we're having a baby! Check out updates on my new blog The Studer Baker for current baby news and pictures. There's also a link on the right sidebar. Needless to say we are very excited!


Unknown said...

Great. So now I have to follow TWO blogs just to keep up on the Studers? Thanks a lot. Just make my life more difficult why don't you?

Samantha said...

congrats to both of you! We just had our first in April and it's a joyous experience to be parents. BTW I'm a friend of Davin's from high school, not some weird internet stalker :-)

Beka said...

Congratulations! It will be the greatest and most challenging event of your lives. Enjoy every moment, even the tough ones:)