Monday, July 28, 2008

Introducing Desmond Eadric Danger Studer.

We are so happy and proud to have our new baby boy. He was born July 22nd at 9:44 PM. He was 9 pounds 6.1 ounces. Here are some pictures of him. If you want the birth story visit Melissa's pregnancy blog. The address is


Sarah said...

Yeah! Congratulations! He's precious!

McLane said...

Contrats!! I am glad everyone is home happy and healthy! I am excited to meet Mr. Desmond!


Beth said...

Yes! Great pics!
I'm so happy for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! He is such a precious little boy. May God Bless you all!

Unknown said...

nicely done! 10 fingers? Check. 10 toes? Check.

Tired mommy and daddy? Check.

Welcome aboard, Desmond!

The Ashmens said...

Congratulations! I like the 'faces of Desmond' blog... cute! Blessings~