Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Settling In

Just thought I'd let everyone know that we're getting settled in with Desmond. He's finally gaining weight now that we're supplementing with formula. We discovered my milk supply wasn't high enough. A full baby is a much happier baby! We're doing a combination of nursing, formula, and pumping and hoping that my supply will catch up. We'll see. Desmond is a good baby and we love watching his little expressions. I can totally see Davin in him! He's also surprisingly strong and has been able to lift his head since he was a few hours old. It can be hard to wrestle him when we're trying to burp or swaddle him and he has other ideas. My mom is staying with me during the week since Davin has gone back to work. Babies are definitely a full time job! I can hardly get anything else done in my day. I'm not looking forward to going back to work mid-September. Even though I work from home and it's the perfect set up, it's not going to be easy. We'll see how that goes. Everyone asks us how we're sleeping. Well, as Davin says, "We're sleeping like a baby," which means we basically only get naps. Right now Desmond's up once in the middle of the night and we sometimes manage to get 3-4 hours of sleep on either end. I'm trying to sleep during the day when he sleeps, but when else am I supposed to get anything done?
After my first bath at home. Didn't like the bath... loved the towel.
Check out my big feet!
Ah, full tummy!
Snuggled up in the sling. This reminds me of being inside mommy.
Cute as can be!


Christa Forsythe said...

I had the same problem with making enough milk... there are some herbal teas that helped me - but I had a tough time.... we did the formula thing too. I have heard brewers yeast works too.... the pictures are so cute... so glad I can peek into your lives! Life does really change when you have a baby... I hope things work out for you this Sept... I am still figuring out work and Ethan.... continually.... day by day!

Beth said...

I LOVE the new pics! And thanks for the update!

And hey- I just found Micah and Christa's blog from the comment they left. Great to see pics of their little one too!

Sarah said...

Such a cutie! I love the last picture - kinda makes me want to have another... :)

Unknown said...

Yep...same deadpan expressions as his daddy...is it safe to assume that daddy also dislikes baths?

Like father, like son.

Nice work you two!