Sunday, May 30, 2010

Back on Track

Here I go again trying to loose my last few pounds to get to my goal weight. I was doing well until I found out I was pregnant. During my month of pregnancy I gained about 4 pounds. Man, it comes back fast when you stop vigorous exercising and indulge in celebratory ice cream! I don't think I'll stick solely to Jillian's Michaels' Making the Cut diet this time because it more than doubled our grocery bill. I'll keep several of her easy and more affordable recipes and track my calories again to control my intake. I also started Jillian's month of workouts again starting from day one. The first time I did her exercises I went through each circuit once, but this time I'm going to try to do the recommended twice through. The main problem I run into (besides failing endurance) is time. The workouts take about an hour and you're not supposed to rest. Desmond can get bored and/or start climbing on me which makes my routine impossible. My goal is to loose 10 pounds by our anniversary.