How can it be ten years since college? Well, I guess for me it's been eight since graduation, but Multnomah put on a ten year reunion for students there between the years of '98 and '02. The best part of it was Destiny got to sing again! There is nothing else that ministers to my soul like singing with these people. I didn't realize how much I missed them until we were back together again. Friday afternoon we met up to rehearse,
went out to dinner, and then joined the class reunion for dessert. Saturday was a full day of practice and then we put on a concert that evening for the rest of the reunion folks. It was so much fun, but it was way too short! I didn't get a chance to talk to everyone for as long as I wanted to, but still it was a sweet time and so great to hear testimonies of God's continued faithfulness through the years.
Desmond was juggled between friends and family and stayed up way too late both nights. He had a lot of fun, but we had a very cranky boy on our hands by the end. I think we're getting back on track now.