Friday, September 10, 2010

Labor Day Weekend - Saturday

Saturday was a full day!  We started off early driving Davin in to the MAX station to meet LeRoy for their century ride.  Desmond wasn’t happy when the train left with Daddy.  We then picked up Jeremy from Multnomah and drove down to Albany for Nathan and Mom’s birthday party. We stopped in to see Great-Grammy on the way.  Desmond had a good time at the party playing with gravel and doing puzzles with Aunt Marcia.  He’s really into puzzles right now!  I guessed right that though Nathan is 34 now, he still likes Legos.  We drove back and picked up Davin on the way home.  It was strange to think that they were biking the whole day.  He and LeRoy rode 113 miles and had a surprise hill at the end, but had a great ride overall.

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