I have a few minutes before I need to feed Kaylynn so I’m raising my head out of the "I have a new baby and a 2-year old” abyss to record our first week.

Kaylynn Hope Eliana Studer was born on May 9, 2011 at 8:41 pm. She weighed 8 lbs 4.5 oz and was 20.5 inches long. I won’t go into the full birth story, but Kaylynn and I are both doing well. There are a few major differences between this and my first birth experience. For one thing I started off feeling very well rested since it was a repeat cesarean. Also Kaylynn knew just what to do for breastfeeding. She helped me out a lot and though she got down to 7 lbs 10.8 oz, she was back up to 7 lbs 12 oz before we left the hospital.
It was hard being away from Desmond and Kaylynn reminded me of him so much! Desmond came to visit on Tuesday morning and didn’t quite know what to think. He immediately came over to look at her and got a huge smile, but then she started crying and he teared up and wanted me to put her back in her bed. We gave him some big brother gifts from Kaylynn and he played with his new battery operated Percy train the rest of the visit. The next day he was more interested in her and wanted to hold her and give her kisses. He’s going to be a good big brother!

On Thursday afternoon we came home. My parents and Aunt Marcia were staying at our place while we were in the hospital, but they returned home Thursday evening. Friday all of Davin’s parents arrived and stayed through the weekend. It was fun having them here, but having all the company has also created quite the whirlwind as we adjust to our new addition. Cheryl is thankfully staying for two weeks to help me adjust to Davin’s return to work in two days.
My recovery is going just as well as it did with Desmond. I took some pain medication at first, but the last few days I haven’t needed any. The main downside is I have no abdominal strength and can’t pick Desmond up or get out of bed very easily for that matter. It is getting better, though.

And here we go again! Kaylynn fed like a champ for the first five days bringing in my milk in just over two days (which impressed all the nurses). Then Sunday she became really lazy with her sucking and wanted to nurse almost non-stop. I don’t know what changed, but at our first mother/baby appointment yesterday the lactation consultant confirmed that she’s not getting enough and is a lazy feeder. She falls asleep almost as soon as she’s on. So here’s my new regimen: breastfeed, feed her extra breast milk with the aid of a tube, pump, and repeat every 3 hours. Sigh! I was so hoping we had this thing down and I didn’t need all this paraphernalia! I can’t do the tube feeding on my own yet (if only I had three hands) and this whole process usually takes just over an hour to complete which means I can’t tend to Desmond for quite a stretch.
Yesterday was my hardest day after breezing through the first several days. I get frustrated with the new feeding process, but if pumping for 11 months with Desmond is any indication, we can make this thing work! I just have to find my new rhythm. My goal with Desmond was to get him off formula and I did. So far we haven’t needed formula with Kaylynn so my goal with her is to get her back to proper nursing so we don’t need the tube.