Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Changing Every Day


Kaylynn is changing a little every day.  While in Albany for Thanksgiving she started scooting forward and I don’t think crawling is far off.  She can also stand if she’s holding on to something.

I love this little determined girl!  I just spent the last two hours trying to get her down for a nap.  She keeps turning all around in her bed, playing, and getting her binky stuck on her thumb which really bothers her.  We were out all morning so I knew she was sleepy.  Finally she’s asleep, but now Desmond is up.  Well, some days just don’t come with a break.

DSC_0142She is cutting her third tooth right now.  The bottom ones are in and the top ones are coming.  It’s fun hearing her crunch on her baby crackers.  Just don’t put your finger in her mouth.  It hurts! 

Cotton Babies was one of my stops this morning.  I love that store!  (It’s the cheapest place to buy a pump.)  I’m seriously thinking about switching to cloth diapers after spending $100 in November for disposable diapers for two kids, wipes, and diaper pail inserts.  The lady was really helpful explaining all the zillion types of cloth diapers out there.  I like the new Flip diapers.  I might even get the training ones for Desmond.  That kid has got to get potty trained!  Davin might actually go for cloth if we get the little flushable liners that make cleaning up poop a lot easier.  Anyway, I think I know what’s on Kaylynn’s Christmas list!