In my bits of spare time when it’s not raining and Kaylynn’s sleeping, I’ve been happily digging out our nine huge bushes that line the length of our fifty foot driveway. I like getting my bare hands in the dirt. Davin was home today and I’ve developed a faster technique as I’ve moved along, so today I was able to rip out three of those suckers. It’s so satisfying to hear the last crack of the roots as I pull out the stump.
They are beasts! At maturity I’ve heard these bushes can be up to fifteen feet tall. They’re only about three years old, but they’re nearly six feet tall and the roots snake out well into the lawn and under the driveway. It’s time to dig ‘em out now before they’re any bigger!
I’m excited to open up the approach to our house, and I’m dreaming of beautiful landscaping. For now Desmond’s enjoying a branch fort and the pile of debris is growing. Yeah, this definitely won’t fit in our yard debris bin! I don’t know if I could even squeeze one bush in there.