I decided to make a beach ball cake for Desmond since he LOVES his beach ball… or any ball for that matter. When he woke up the day of the party he pointed to the cake and said, “Ball!” Yay, he likes it! His party was themed around beach balls including the plates and favors for the younger guests.
The highlight of the party was Desmond eating his first cake and ice cream. (Okay, we actually gave him his first taste of ice cream on his actual birthday, but his first taste of cake was right here.) At first he didn’t know if he should touch it. Then he picked up a piece and took a bite. Then he wanted more! We ended up giving him seconds on both the cake and ice cream.
He received lots of presents although he didn’t really know what to do with them. The older kids were more excited than he was, but he’s loving playing and using all his new things at home.
Happy birthday, Desmond!