Today was the magical day three of our potty training journey. Desmond was wet at his early morning potty time but woke up dry after that and actually slept in until eight o’clock. Six is normal so the extra two hours of sleep were glorious!
The morning went well with only 1 accident and 5 successful trips to the potty. He woke up wet from his nap and then the afternoon consisted of 3 accidents and 3 times of making it to the potty dry. We had company over for dinner to celebrate Davin’s upcoming birthday so that was a huge distraction, and 2 of his 3 accidents happened then. Des actually initiated the last potty trip on his own with no prompting. Could we be getting somewhere?
Running score: Day 1 had 13 accidents with 2 successful trips, Day 2 had 9 accidents and 7 successful trips, Day 3 had 4 accidents and 8 successful trips. I’m glad I’m writing this down so I can see the improvement.
I think it really helped this morning to have Davin around to help and add his fresh energy and praise to the mix. Still Desmond complains nearly every time we go to the bathroom. I am getting tired of trying to stay enthusiastic and never being able to leave the house or do anything that takes more than a minute or two. We’re making headway but it’s slow and it still hasn’t “clicked” yet. Maybe this is due to not waiting the 30 days to reset his potty training mindset from before. We’ll give it one more day and then see where we’re at. Davin has to work tomorrow so again I’m doing this solo.