This could also be handy if you are trying to cast a field and you keep getting errors because of a character that won't cast correctly. An example would be trying to cast a varchar or char field into an int and for some reason or another one of the records has a letter in the field. Your cast will fail and it can be tricky to track down where the issue is. With this stored procedure you can quickly see what the offending character is and then query up all the records containing that character.
Example usage:
exec FieldCharacterSet 'dbo', 'mytable, 'myfield', 1, 0, 255
Feel free to use this if you find is useful, and leave a comment letting me know if it worked well for you.
-- ============================================= -- Author: Davin Studer -- Create date: 9/26/2010 -- Description: This stored procedure will let you -- know all the characters that are contained within -- a field of a specified table. This is handy for things -- such as creating regular expression patterns and figuring -- out casting issues. -- ============================================= create procedure [dbo].[FieldCharacterSet] @TableSchema nvarchar(255) = '',-- this is the schema for table to look at @TableName nvarchar(255) = '', -- this is the table to look at @FieldName nvarchar(255) = '', -- this is the field that will be scanned @RTrim bit = 1, -- should the field be right trimmed before finding the character set ... mostly for char field types @LowCharRange int = 0, -- character scan start point @HighCharRange int = 255 -- character scan end point as begin -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. set nocount on; declare @count bigint = 0, @sql nvarchar(max) = '', @selects nvarchar(max) = '', @error varchar(200) = '', @field nvarchar(264) = '', @sqlbuild nvarchar(max) = '' declare @chars table( [character] nchar(1) ) declare @statements table( [sql] varchar(max) ) if @TableName = '' begin set @error = 'You must supply a table name.' raiserror (@error, 15, 1) end if @FieldName = '' begin set @error = 'You must supply a field name.' raiserror (@error, 15, 1) end if @error = '' begin -- Bracket the table name to avoid naming issues if left(@TableName, 1) <> '[' and right(@TableName, 1) <> ']' begin set @TableName = '[' + @TableName + ']' end -- Bracket the field name to avoid naming issues if left(@FieldName, 1) <> '[' and right(@FieldName, 1) <> ']' begin set @FieldName = '[' + @FieldName + ']' end -- Should we rtrim the field to deal with trailing spaces ... mostly for char fields if @RTrim = 1 begin set @field = 'rtrim(' + @FieldName + ')' end -- Create a temp table to hold our examples of each character matched if object_id('tempdb..##fieldCharacterSetTemp') is not null begin drop table ##fieldCharacterSetTemp end set @sql = 'select * into ##fieldCharacterSetTemp from (select t1.* from ' + @TableSchema + '.' + @TableName + ' t1 inner join ' + @TableSchema + '.' + @TableName + ' t2 on 1 = 1 where 1 = 0) X' exec(@sql) --Loop through the ascii characters low to high while @LowCharRange <= @HighCharRange begin --Build the from and where clauses set @sqlbuild = '' set @sqlbuild = @sqlbuild + 'from ' if @TableSchema <> '' begin set @sqlbuild = @sqlbuild + @TableSchema + '.' end set @sqlbuild = @sqlbuild + @TableName + nchar(13) set @sqlbuild = @sqlbuild + 'where ' + @field -- If the character is A-Z or a-z then case sensitive compare if (@LowCharRange between 65 and 90) or (@LowCharRange between 97 and 122) begin set @sqlbuild = @sqlbuild + ' COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS' end set @sqlbuild = @sqlbuild + ' like ' -- Deal with a few special SQL characters if @LowCharRange = 37 -- % character begin set @sqlbuild = @sqlbuild + '''%\%%'' escape ''\''' + nchar(13) end else if @LowCharRange = 39 -- ' character begin set @sqlbuild = @sqlbuild + '''%''''%''' + nchar(13) end else if @LowCharRange = 95 -- _ character begin set @sqlbuild = @sqlbuild + '''%\_%'' escape ''\''' + nchar(13) end else begin set @sqlbuild = @sqlbuild + '''%' + nchar(@LowCharRange) + '%''' + nchar(13) end -- Buld main counting sql set @sql = '' set @sql = @sql + 'select @countOut = count(*)' + nchar(13) set @sql = @sql + @sqlbuild --Get count of rows that have the character execute sp_executesql @sql,N'@countOut bigint = 0 output',@countOut=@count output --If any rows have this character add it to the result set if @count > 0 begin insert into @chars values (nchar(@LowCharRange)) -- Build the select sql to look at example lines that have this character set @selects = '' set @selects = @selects + 'select top 1 *' + nchar(13) set @selects = @selects + @sqlbuild insert into @statements values (rtrim(replace(@selects, nchar(13), ' '))) set @sql = '' set @sql = @sql + 'insert into ##fieldCharacterSetTemp' +nchar(13) set @sql = @sql + @selects exec(@sql) end -- Next character set @LowCharRange = @LowCharRange + 1 end select * from @chars select * from @statements if object_id('tempdb..##fieldCharacterSetTemp') is not null begin select * from ##fieldCharacterSetTemp drop table ##fieldCharacterSetTemp end end end