Friday, December 22, 2006
To All Who Read This
I ran into this site today and it was so cool I had to blog about it. This goes out to all who read this blog.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Get Firebug
For those of you who are web developers there is a great extension for Firefox that has just recently come out. I've used it for about a week, and I am in love with it ... not as much as I love my wife though. It is the greatest thing for web developers since Jolt. By the way you may want to check out their site, since it has some information about the plug in that you may not realize just playing around with it at first ... there are lots of features. Go get it and try it for yourself.

Friday, December 15, 2006
She's still got life in her

Sunday, November 26, 2006
Hair Razing Tale

Sunday, November 19, 2006
Our New Old House

Thursday, November 16, 2006
LOST in fame
So, Melissa and I are really into the series LOST. We watch it with friends and every Thursday we have a discussion group at lunch to recap the prior night's episode. Well, the weird thing is that it has caught the attention of the media. We have been in two newspaper articles, and last night we were interviewed for channel 2's eleven o'clock news. Below is a link to the video and the news stories. Don't worry we won't let the fame go to our heads. : )
Below are the Oregonian newspaper articles that our group was in.
LOST in the 23rd Psalm Part 1
LOST in the 23rd Psalm Part 2
Once found, now they're 'Lost,' too
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Our personal holiday
So, today we came home after a very stormy weekend at the beach to find that our neighbors are ... well gone. HALLELUJAH ... HALLELUJAH ... HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH ... HALLELUJAH! It has been interesting, to say the least, living next to them. We knew we were in trouble when they moved in at 10:30 pm on a Wednesday night as we were going to bed. Ever since it has been nothing but noise from them. I think the worst case was the night we had to call that number you never call ... 911. They were screaming at each other at the top of their lungs and 3:30 in the morning, so we called in a domestic disturbance. Boy was that weird. Anyway, we reported them to their landlords, and like magic they are gone. Wish I would have send something sooner. So, today is the day that we will always remember that the neighbors moved. It will be our own personal holiday.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Little Pink Sweater

Sunday, October 22, 2006
Pumpkin Patch

Friday, October 20, 2006
Manager of Married Student Housing
As of November 1st, my new title will be Manager of Married Student Housing. We will not have an Office Manager hired yet to fill my current job, so I will probably have a foot in each job for a little while. Hopefully the transition won't be too long or too stressful. Davin and I will be moving sometime in December once they get the house cleaned up and ready to go. We're really excited about this opportunity... and we're excited about saving a bundle on gas for our car! For now, our life is centered around these two blocks of Portland; we'll be able to walk to work, school, and church. We also look forward to hosting more parties and not having to worry about where everyone is going to sit. I will really enjoy the change of pace in my job. It will still be super busy at times, but I won't be tied to a desk, I can do laundry while I'm working, and I won't have to be on top of where all 12 people in Student Services are and what they're doing at any given time.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
New Job?
So, I've officially applied for a new job. It's still at Multnomah in the Student Services department, but it's for the Manager of Married Student Housing position. Liz and her husband are moving to North Dakota by mid-November so the job starts November 1st. Davin and I are really excited about it because we'd get to live in a 3 bedroom house on campus for free. This would provide a way for Davin to go to the seminary full time, and we could still start a family because I would be working from home. We'd rent out our condo so we could continue building equity. Anyway, it's pretty exciting. We'll keep you posted!
Yellow Belts

Saturday, October 07, 2006
Davin and I have been taking Tae Soo Do with Dr. Kutz for the last few months. The class meets Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:30 am in Multnomah's gym... it's probably the only thing that would get Davin out of bed that early. It's really a good workout, and it seems that after every class I have a new sore muscle. Today it's my abs. I could hardly sit up to get out of bed this morning. We are currently orange belts, and we're testing for yellow on Wednesday. I think we're ready. Our friend Dave got us involved in Tae Soo Do. He's a brown belt going for red next week.
We're always trying to recruit people to join us. We commute to work with Aaron on most days and he may start coming in with us when we go to class. He thinks he's just going to go lift weights or something, but we've got plans to assimilate him! His wife calls it our Do-si-do class. This is different from your average dance. You get to use weapons!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
LOST in the Lunchroom

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Friday, September 01, 2006
Multnomah Students Are Back!

Monday, August 21, 2006
Optical Illusions
This is a pretty cool optical illusion that you can do yourself. There is even a pdf cutout that you can build as well. It was kinda fun to do and is wicked neat.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Happy Anniversary to Us

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