Today we got a new book in the mail from Grandma Linda. It was one of the Christmas gifts that she sent for Desmond. I told her before hand that we were wanting books that he could chew on, because frankly he likes to stick stuff in his mouth. So, Grandma gave him two books. One is called Fuzzy bee and friends, and the other is Barnyard Bath. Melissa started reading the Barnyard Bath book to him right before we got him ready for bed. This was his reaction, and boy is it a good one.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas for Three
It was Desmond’s first Christmas, and he woke up bright and early even though we fed him late last night hoping he’d sleep in. (Guess we’d better get used to early Christmas mornings.) We had a yummy bacon and eggs breakfast and a delicious turkey, stuffing, and potatoes with gravy dinner. Due to the piles of snow outside, our plans to visit family changed so we enjoyed a quiet Christmas at home - just the three of us. We all caught naps during the day and watched White Christmas.
Desmond was just as cute as could be and enjoyed playing with the wrapping paper. By the end of the day he was all tuckered out and fell asleep drinking his bedtime bottle while Mommy hummed “All is Well.” Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Artic Blast!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Windows Live Writer and Picasa Playing Nice
Melissa and I use Picasa to sort all of our digital pictures. It’s a pretty good image cataloging program. One of the cool features that Picasa has is a button at the bottom that says “BlogThis!”. It’s pretty handy. All you have to do is select a photo or multiple photos and hit the “BlogThis!” button. It will then copy the images up to blogger and create a new post based on those images. Well, recently Melissa and I switched to using Windows Live Writer to create our blog posts. Sure, we could use Blogger’s interface, but honestly I can’t stand it, and Windows Live Writer has a pretty slick interface. Also, it will hook up to most of the major blogging engines (Blogger, WordPress, Typepad, etc).
Well, the only problem is that I could not find a button for Picasa that would open the images in Windows Live Writer. Bummer! So, I decided to make my own. It was a fun project. I’ve never made a Windows installer file before, so it took a bit of learning, but here is the final product. If you use Picasa and Windows Live Writer and would like to have a button in Picasa for creating blog posts in Live Writer, then click the below link. I copied the button into the Live Writer Gallery, so that everyone can create blog posts easily from Picasa.
Also, if you download this and find it useful please leave a comment on this post. It would be nice to know if people find this plugin helpful. Thanks.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!
Monday, December 15, 2008
We're having our first real cold snap in Portland. This is when I really don't like this old 1906 house we're living in. The oil to run the furnace is expensive and with no insulation and drafty single-pane windows, it could run non-stop during this below freezing weather. We turn on the space heaters and curtain off the living room to keep it warmish. (We're up to 66 degrees right now. Whoohoo!) Plastic is up on the windows, and we definitely keep the closet doors closed. Our bedroom closet was 34 degrees last night! We have to pull out what we want to wear the night before so we don't have to turn into an ice cube getting dressed in the morning. Speaking of ice... here are a couple pictures of our kitchen window this morning. Yep. Ice on the inside. Good grief! I don't even want to think about all the mold problems this moisture creates. Friends like the chilled glasses from the cupboards, though. We're moving in three weeks. Yay for dry windows and warm closets! Time to make some hot chocolate.

Friday, December 12, 2008
Ready or not, Christmas is Coming!
I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around the fact that it's December! With the upcoming move and trying to wrap up work, I don't feel like I have time to get into the "Christmas spirit". Christmas stuff just becomes one more thing on the to-do list. We put up a <gasp> fake tree! It was easier and much quicker than going to chop down our own like we usually do. I also ordered all my family gifts online so I didn't have to leave the house and fight the crowds with a teething baby. The presents will come to me. Hurray!
Desmond has put a whole new perspective on Christmas for me. Thinking of Mary giving birth to her firstborn son who would later be killed for the sins of the world takes on new meaning with a son of my own. I cry when I think about the innocence of a baby and what Mary must have felt. What an incredible gift for the world! I don't think it's something I would ever be willing to give.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
First Thanksgiving
This was Desmond's first Thanksgiving! We spent it in Albany with my parents. We've started him on a few solids, and I saved the sweet potatoes specifically for Thanksgiving. Davin was trying to tell him they were yucky, but he actually liked them. I am so thankful for my family and the gift of a son!
Desmond is four months old now, and at his check up earlier this week he was 26.5 inches long and weighed 20 lbs 3.5 oz. We need a new car seat for our big boy!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Moving Back to the 'Couve!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Vaccine Decision
I just finished reading a very good book by Dr. Sears called The Vaccine Book. I have heard some scary things about vaccines and growing up my family had the philosophy of going natural as much as possible before seeking medical intervention. I don't want to overreact and not protect Desmond from diseases, but I also don't want to blindly accept everything the doctor wants to inject into his body. I want to know the actual risks so I can make an informed decision. This is such an emotional topic for most people that it's hard to find objective information. Dr. Sears did a great job of researching and presenting the facts on both sides. It's worth the $12 to get this book.
The main question I want to know is, "Does the risk of getting the disease and then having a serious complication outweigh the risk of a serious vaccine side effect?" The answer is that no one knows for sure, and it varies depending on which disease we're talking about. I have a lot of thinking to do, and I'm going to give Davin a good book to read on his commute to work.
Some of the things I learned:
- All vaccines contain something strange and/or toxic like cow, monkey, or chicken tissue, formaldehyde, and aluminum.
- Mercury still remains in a few vaccines, and certain brands have a better ingredient list that others.
- Based on FDA guidelines, 30 micrograms of aluminum is the minimum amount a healthy 12 lb baby could safely process in one day. They haven't reported a maximum amount, but even so, on the recommended vaccine schedule a baby could get as much as 1225 micrograms of aluminum in one day.
- There is a reporting system for vaccine side effects, and serious side effects include seizures, Guillain-Barre syndrome, brain damage, nerve dysfunction, diabetes, encephalitis, paralysis, and the list goes on.
- There hasn't been a case of wild polio in the US since 1979, so the chance of getting polio is pretty much zero. You immunize in this case for the good of society and public health rather than to prevent yourself from getting polio.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Lovin' Life with Des
Great Grandma Munger-Johnson came to see Desmond the other day. It was also her first time meeting Davin. I'm not going to go into the whole long story, but it is amazing how an innocent baby can unknowingly bring families back together.
We love our new Ergo! Well, new to us. A friend helped me get this on Craigslist. I was never fast enough on my own, since these things get snatched up the hour they're posted. I usually carry Desmond on the front, but here he is piggy-back riding it with Daddy. When he's fussy and nothing else seems to be working, we suit up and go for a walk. Des actually fell asleep on this walk, but woke up when I got out the camera.
On Sunday we had a dedication service for Desmond. My parents, brother, and grandparents were able to make it to celebrate with us. I was thinking about what it meant to dedicate my son to the Lord. Even though He's God and I'm just a mommy, it's hard for me to really hand over control of Demsond's life. I know I'm really not in control anyway, but I so desperately want to protect him from anything that would hurt him.
Desmond's been working on sitting. He can do it for a few seconds on his own... without the Boppy. Usually he ends up folded in half fussing because his tummy is getting squished. But this has also led to the discovery of his feet. Yesterday he rolled over for the first time (from his tummy to his back). Mobility has begun!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A Day in the Life of a New Mom
3 Months
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Google Calendar
<?php /**********************************************************/ /* The username/password used to login to Google Calendar */ /* */ /* This is the only part you should have to edit in this */ /* script. */ /**********************************************************/ $google_username = '???'; $google_password = '???'; /**************************************************************************/ /* Include Zend framework and load libraries, used to interact with Gdata */ /* Get the Zend framework at */ /**************************************************************************/ require_once 'Zend/Loader.php'; Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata'); Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_AuthSub'); Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin'); Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_Calendar'); /******************/ /* Login to Gdata */ /******************/ $authService = Zend_Gdata_Calendar::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME; $httpClient = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($google_username, $google_password, $authService); /***********************************************************************/ /* Replaces [link:url]Text[/link] with a properly formatted anchor tag */ /* The url must have the http:// or https:// at the front */ /* */ /* Params: */ /* $text - String of text */ /***********************************************************************/ function createLink($text) { $pattern1 = '/\[\/link\]/'; $pattern2 = '/(\[link:)([^\]]*)(\])/'; $replacement1 = '</a>'; $replacement2 = '<a href="$2" target="_blank">'; $text = preg_replace($pattern1 , $replacement1, $text); $text = preg_replace($pattern2 , $replacement2, $text); return $text; } /*****************************************************************************************/ /* Replaces [email:email address]Text[/email] with a properly formatted email anchor tag */ /* */ /* Params: */ /* $text - String of text */ /*****************************************************************************************/ function createEmail($text) { $pattern1 = '/\[\/email\]/'; $pattern2 = '/(\[email:)([^\]]*)(\])/'; $replacement1 = '</a>'; $replacement2 = '<a href="mailto:$2">'; $text = preg_replace($pattern1 , $replacement1, $text); $text = preg_replace($pattern2 , $replacement2, $text); return $text; } /*****************************************************/ /* Replaces line breaks in the text with <br /> tags */ /* */ /* Params: */ /* $text - String of text */ /*****************************************************/ function createLineBreaks($text) { $text = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $text); return $text; } /*****************************************************************/ /* This function applies the formatting functions defined above. */ /* */ /* Params: */ /* $text - String of text */ /*****************************************************************/ function formatText($text) { $text = createLink($text); $text = createEmail($text); $text = createLineBreaks($text); return $text; } /*****************************************************************/ /* This function formats the date/time shown to the user. */ /* */ /* Params: */ /* $start - Starting date/time */ /* $end - Ending date/time */ /*****************************************************************/ function formatDate($start, $end) { if (date("H:i:s", $start) == "00:00:00" && date("H:i:s", $end) == "00:00:00") //All day event { $end = $end - 1; //For all day events the end day is one greater than it really is if(date("M j, Y", $start) == date("M j, Y", $end)) //Single day all day event { $date = date("M j, Y", $start); } else //All day event spanning multiple days { if (date("Y", $start) == date("Y", $end)) { if (date("M", $start) == date("M", $end)) //All day event spanning multiple days in same month { $date = date("M j", $start) . " - " . date("j, Y", $end); } else //All day event spanning multiple months { $date = date("M j", $start) . " - " . date("M j, Y", $end); } } else // All day event spanning multiple years { $date = date("M j, Y", $start) . " - " . date("M j, Y", $end); } } } else //Time range event { if(date("M j, Y", $start) == date("M j, Y", $end)) //Single day range event { $date = date("M j, Y (g:i a", $start) . " - " . date("g:i a)", $end); } else //Range event spanning multiple days { if (date("Y", $start) == date("Y", $end)) { if (date("M", $start) == date("M", $end)) //Range event spanning multiple days in same month { $date = date("M j (g:i a)", $start) . " - " . date("M j (g:i a), Y", $end); } else //Range event spanning multiple months { $date = date("M j (g:i a)", $start) . " - " . date("M j (g:i a), Y", $end); } } else //Range event spanning multiple years { $date = date("M j, Y (g:i a)", $start) . " - " . date("M j, Y (g:i a)", $end); } } } return $date; } /******************************************************************/ /* Create a definition list of the events in human-readable form. */ /* You can use CSS to style the list. */ /* */ /* Params: */ /* $client - GData $httpClient created above */ /* $feed - The GData feed to read */ /******************************************************************/ function listEvents($client, $feed) { $gdataCal = new Zend_Gdata_Calendar($client); $eventFeed = $gdataCal->getCalendarEventFeed($feed); $html = $html . "<dl>\n"; foreach ($eventFeed as $event) { foreach ($event->when as $when) { $start = strtotime($when->startTime); $end = strtotime($when->endTime); } $date = formatDate($start, $end); foreach ($event->where as $where) { $location = $where->valueString; } $title = $event->title->text; if ($location != "") { $title = "<a href=\"" . $location . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . $title . "</a>"; } $content = formatText($event->content->text); $html = $html . " <dt><span class=\"eventdate\">" . $date . "</span><span class=\"eventtitle\"> - " . $title . "</span></dd>\n"; $html = $html . " <dd><span class=\"eventcontent\">" . $content . quot;</span></dd>\n"; } $html = $html . "</dl>\n"; return $html; } ?> <html> <body> <?php Echo listEvents($httpClient, ""); ?> </body> </html>
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tired of the political adds?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Our Little Pumpkin
Friday, October 17, 2008
Sweet Sleep
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Our Little Dragon
Three on a Couch
An Absolute Cutie!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Now about this Baby Weight
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Obama's Politics of Change?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Made by Mommy
My Guys
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Why I won't be voting for Obama
- Barack Obama voted down the Born Alive Infant Protection Act twice. This act would protect babies that are born alive as a result of a botched abortion. Barack was the only senetor in his state to vote against it. Even the other liberal senetors voted for it. How could anyone not care for a child that was born alive. Instead these babies are just left to die.
- Barack Obama's ties to terrorist William Ayers are befuddling. WHy would he associate, even call a friend, someone who blew up the capitol and preformed various other terrorist acts. When asked about it on September 11th Ayers responded that he did not regret what he did, and wish they had done more. He is totally unrepentant about his actions. Barack Obama has tried to justify his friendship by saying that he was only eight when Ayers commited his acts. Who cares!? Whether he wa eight, eightee, or eighty. Why would you consort with a man that is proud of his terrorist actions. Presidents should not consort with these kinds of people.
- Barack Obama's tax plan would increase taxes 20%.
- Satements such as "if my daughter were to make a mistake I don't want them punished with a baby." Babies are not a punishment even if they are born to teenage mothers. Who in their right mind would call a baby a punishment?